EGCA launched a new competition format for the goalball clubs in Europe in the end of year 2019 called European Grand Prix (Euro GP).
The first Euro GP tournament was held in Rostock, Germany in the beginning of May 2021 and USV Hercules from Netherlands was crowned the champion of that historical tournament. Unfortunately due the corona virus pandemic there hadn’t been possibilities to organize more stages until 2022 when the competition really began.
European Grand Prix is renamed as EGCA Grand Prix since the beginning of year 2025. EGCA GP tournaments are low-threshold international club competitions where Each goalball club in Europe can participate to. The aim of the competitions are that new clubs, athletes, coaches and referees could become as a part of the international goalball family, improve themselves and get experiences of international games.
EGCA Competition Committee manages the EGCA GP competition, select the stage organizers and decide the regulations, monitor the registrations and advice the stage organizers and participants for every season.
EGCA Competition Committee has decided to rename the European Grand Prix as the EGCA Grand Prix since season 2025.
There is not any date window for the competitions or registration time for host candidates. The host candidate can send the registration application to the EGCA Competition Committee by email: and propose the best date option. The registration application for the host candidate is available to download below and there are also own document for the requirement and responsibilities for the host of the EGCA Grand Prix 2025. Please meet also athlete rules & regulations below.
Please click the tournament link and you will be forwarded to the event page for more information and you can find also the registration form there when the registration is open..
Athens Grand Prix 2025: 9th – 11th May, Athens, Greece organized by Ionas GC
Odivelas Grand Prix 2025: 5th – 7th September, Odivelas, Portugal
Registration runs from 5th March – 15th June.
(1) Athletes from each gender who comply with IBSA standards can participate;
(2) Teams can be consisted by women, men or mixed;
(3) A team must name minimum 4 and can name maximum 6 athletes to its squad at the EGCA Grand Prix stage;
(4) Each EGCA Grand Prix stage is own separate tournament and a team can participate each EGCA Grand Prix stage with different line-up;
(5) Unclassified athletes (also sighted) are allowed at a EGCA Grand Prix stage;
(6) 2 foreign athletes are allowed at the EGCA Grand Prix stage. The foreign athlete is an athlete who is not living permanently or have a nationality of a country where a team comes from.
Attention: In unclear situations, EGCA may ask the athlete to provide proof of residence;
(7) A male athlete who are over 20-years-old and have participated in the Champions League stage during the same year is not eligible to participate at a EGCA Grand Prix stage;
(8) Also a male athlete who has represented his country in last IBSA Goalball European Championships (A, B or C Division) is not eligible to participate at a EGCA Grand Prix stage without a special permission. The special permission should be requested from the EGCA Competition Committee that reviews each case individually;
(9) Participation in the EGCA Grand Prix doesn’t prevent an athlete to participate in the Women’s Champions league or Youth Championships. Also an athlete can participate in the EGCA European Cup.
(10) Failure to comply with registration rules results in a 10-0 loss in the game.
Below you can find all the Euro GP stages that have already played or for some reason cancelled as well. You can click each stage and you will be forwarded to the webpage of the event where you can find results, standings and scorers of the stage.
Winner: RGC Hansa
Top Scorer: John Turloff (32 goals)
Nis Grand Prix: 4th – 6th October, Nis, Serbia organized by Goalball Club Nais
Winner: RGc Hansa
Top Scorer: Kilian Kollrep (60 goals)
Thessaloniki Grand Prix: 25th – 27th October, Thessaloniki, Greece organized by Kleio Thessaloniki
Winner: RGC Hansa
Top Scorer: Sem de Jong (48 goals)
Rostock Grand Prix: 7th – 9th April, Rostock, Germany
Winner: RGC Hansa (GER)
Top Scorer: John Turloff (41 goals)
Utrecht Grand Prix: 23rd – 25th June, Utrecht, Netherlands
Winner: RGC Hansa (GER)
Top Scorer: Pascal Wirken (29 goals)
Nis Grand Prix: 22nd – 24th September, Nis, Serbia
Winner: RGC Hansa (GER)
Top scorer: John Turloff (44 goals)
EURO GP SOUTH – 1st – 3rd July, Athens, Greece
Winner: Kleio Thessaloniki (GRE)
Top Scorer: Athanasios Chatzipantou (42 goals)
CANCELLED: EURO GP NORTH – 19th – 21st August, Espoo, Finland
EURO GP CENTRAL – 26th – 28th August, Wroclaw, Poland
Winner: Invasport (UKR)
Top Scorer: Daniel Arendar (33 goals)
The 1st Euro GP Stage: 7th – 9th May, Rostock, Germany
Winner: USV Hercules (NED)
Top Scorer: Corne Speksnijder (38 goals)